Jay Levinson PhotoJay Conrad Levinson is the author of the best-selling marketing series in history, Guerrilla Marketing, plus 24 other business books. His guerrilla concepts have influenced marketing so much that today his books appear in 37 languages and are required reading in many MBA programs worldwide.

Jay taught guerrilla marketing for ten years at the extension division of the University of California in Berkeley. And he was a practitioner of it in the United States -- as Senior Vice-President at J. Walter Thompson, and in Europe, as Creative Director at Leo Burnett Advertising.

He wrote a monthly column for Entrepreneur Magazine, articles for Inc. Magazine, a syndicated column for newspapers and magazines and online columns published monthly on the Microsoft and GTE websites. 

Jay has served on the Microsoft Small Business Council and the 3Com Small Business Advisory Board. His Guerrilla Marketing is a series of books, a videotape, an award-winning CD-ROM, a newsletter, a consulting organization, an Internet website, and a way for you to spend less, get more, and achieve substantial profits.

Jay Conrad Levinson
Guerrilla Marketing International
P.O. Box 1336
Mill Valley, CA 94942
fax (415) 381-8361 or (800) 748-6444

Check out Jay Conrad Levinson's Guerrilla Marketing web site, too!